Kategori: Güvenlik Açıkları


Z-Wave devices based on Silicon Labs 700 series chipsets using S2 do not adequately authenticate or encrypt FIND_NODE_IN_RANGE frames, allowing a remote, unauthenticated attacker to…

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A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability has been reported to affect QTS, QuTS hero and QuTScloud. If exploited, this vulnerability allows remote attackers to inject malicious…

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Insta HMS before 12.4.10 is vulnerable to XSS because of improper validation of user-supplied input by multiple scripts. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability…

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A Pointer Dereference Vulnerabilty exists in GPAC 1.0.1 via the shift_chunk_offsets.part function, which causes a Denial of Service (context-dependent). Devamını Oku

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