Kategori: Güvenlik Açıkları


An external config control vulnerability exists in the OAS Engine SecureAddSecurity functionality of Open Automation Software OAS Platform V16.00.0112. A specially-crafted series of network requests…

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User generated PPKG file for Bulk Enroll may have unencrypted sensitive information exposed. Zafiyet ile ilgili Genel Bilgi, Etki ve Çözümleri için Devamını Oku Kaynak:…

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VersionVault Express exposes sensitive information that an attacker can use to impersonate the server or eavesdrop on communications with the server. Zafiyet ile ilgili Genel…

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TrueStack Direct Connect 1.4.7 has Incorrect Access Control. Zafiyet ile ilgili Genel Bilgi, Etki ve Çözümleri için Devamını Oku Kaynak: National Vulnerability Database

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Philips Interoperability Solution XDS versions 2.5 through 3.11 and 2018-1 through 2021-1 are vulnerable to clear text transmission of sensitive information when configured to use…

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When a non-existent resource is requested, the LCDS LAquis SCADA application (version and prior) returns error messages which may allow reflected cross-site scripting. Zafiyet…

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