Kategori: Güvenlik Açıkları


The myCred WordPress plugin before does not have any authorisation in place in its mycred-tools-select-user AJAX action, allowing any authenticated user, such as subscriber…

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The myCred WordPress plugin before 2.4.4 does not have any authorisation and CSRF checks in the mycred-tools-import-export AJAX action, allowing any authenticated users, such as…

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The ThirstyAffiliates Affiliate Link Manager WordPress plugin before 3.10.5 does not have authorisation and CSRF checks when creating affiliate links, which could allow any authenticated…

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The flo-launch WordPress plugin before 2.4.1 injects code into wp-config.php when creating a cloned site, allowing any attacker to initiate a new site install by…

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The ThirstyAffiliates Affiliate Link Manager WordPress plugin before 3.10.5 lacks authorization checks in the ta_insert_external_image action, allowing a low-privilege user (with a role as low…

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The Web To Print Shop : uDraw WordPress plugin before 3.3.3 does not validate the url parameter in its udraw_convert_url_to_base64 AJAX action (available to both…

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The 5 Stars Rating Funnel WordPress Plugin | RRatingg WordPress plugin before 1.2.54 does not properly sanitise, validate and escape lead ids before using them…

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