Kategori: NIST-Güvenlik Açıkları


A buffer overflow vulnerability in the SecureBootDXE BIOS driver of some Lenovo Desktop and ThinkStation models could allow an attacker with local access to elevate…

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*File Upload vulnerability found in Emlog EmlogCMS v.6.0.0 allows a remote attacker to gain access to sensitive information via the /admin/plugin.php function. Zafiyet ile ilgili…

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A local privilege escalation vulnerability in the ThinkPad Hybrid USB-C with USB-A Dock Firmware Update Tool could allow an attacker with local access to execute…

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A vulnerability, which was classified as problematic, was found in WooSidebars Sidebar Manager Converter Plugin up to 1.1.1 on WordPress. This affects the function process_request…

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A vulnerability classified as problematic was found in WooFramework Tweaks Plugin up to 1.0.1 on WordPress. Affected by this vulnerability is the function admin_screen_logic of…

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The ConvertKit WordPress plugin before 2.2.1 does not escape a parameter before outputting it back in an attribute, leading to a Reflected Cross-Site Scripting which…

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