Kategori: NIST-Güvenlik Açıkları


Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor in GitHub repository httpie/httpie prior to 3.1.0. Zafiyet ile ilgili Genel Bilgi, Etki ve Çözümleri için Devamını…

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Path traversal vulnerability in the file upload functionality in tinyfilemanager.php in Tiny File Manager Project’s Tiny File Manager 2.4.1 allows remote attackers with valid user…

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Divide-by-zero in Clickhouse’s Delta compression codec when parsing a malicious query. The first byte of the compressed buffer is used in a modulo operation without…

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Divide-by-zero in Clickhouse’s DeltaDouble compression codec when parsing a malicious query. The first byte of the compressed buffer is used in a modulo operation without…

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Divide-by-zero in Clickhouse’s Gorilla compression codec when parsing a malicious query. The first byte of the compressed buffer is used in a modulo operation without…

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Heap buffer overflow in Clickhouse’s LZ4 compression codec when parsing a malicious query. There is no verification that the copy operations in the LZ4::decompressImpl loop…

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Heap buffer overflow in Clickhouse’s LZ4 compression codec when parsing a malicious query. There is no verification that the copy operations in the LZ4::decompressImpl loop…

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Heap out-of-bounds read in Clickhouse’s LZ4 compression codec when parsing a malicious query. As part of the LZ4::decompressImpl() loop, a 16-bit unsigned user-supplied value (‘offset’)…

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Heap out-of-bounds read in Clickhouse’s LZ4 compression codec when parsing a malicious query. As part of the LZ4::decompressImpl() loop, a 16-bit unsigned user-supplied value (‘offset’)…

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